Middle Georgia Chapter MOAA
Middle Georgia Chapter MOAA Middle Georgia Chapter MOAA
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Middle Georgia Chapter MOAA
Middle Georgia Chapter MOAA
Middle Georgia Chapter MOAA Middle Georgia Chapter MOAA
Chapter Meeting/Luncheon

The next chapter meeting will be on 12 February 2025, 11:30 AM, Houston Lake Country Clu;b ...
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Middle Georgia Chapter MOAA
Chapter Info

Who We Are

The Middle Georgia Chapter is a group of officers and surviving spouses who enjoy the camaraderie of fellow patriots and who wish to serve our local community.
Our Chapter’s vision statement embodies MOAA’s core values to “Never Stop Serving”:
“Fostering patriotism and military values to advance our community”
Membership is open to active duty, National Guard, Reserve, retired and former commissioned officers, warrant officers and surviving spouses of deceased officers of the following uniformed services:  Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and Public Health Service.

Chapter meetings are held monthly from September through June at the Southern Landings Golf Club, 309 Statham’s Way in Warner Robins.  Members and their spouses enjoy good conversation, a social hour, dinner and a guest speaker.
Topics over the course of a year cover a variety of subjects that are not only interesting but educational as well.  Meetings are held on the 2nd Friday of each month (December’s date may change due to increased events hosted by the Club).
We encourage our members to suggest future program ideas, invite guests and prospective members and become as active in the chapter as you so desire.

Chartered on 22 October 1960, the Middle Georgia Chapter supports and promotes the mission, values and objectives of National MOAA.  As an affiliate, we are a non-profit and non-partisan organization.  Our commitment is to further the following aims and objectives:

• Fostering fraternal relations among our members who represent various services.
• Promoting enduring traditional values of military professionals to positively impact our local community.
• Cultivating enduring working relationships with the local community by participating in community events e.g. Memorial Day, Veterans Day and assisting organizations devoted to patriotic or public service.
• Advocating for and supporting the rights, privileges and interests of all military personnel, whether active duty or retired, their families and survivors.

Our Chapter vision statement “Fostering patriotism and military values to advance our community” sums up our camaraderie and desire to continue supporting the community in which we live. 
Middle Georgia Chapter MOAA
Middle Georgia Chapter MOAA
Middle Georgia Chapter MOAA
Middle Georgia Chapter MOAA

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